Radeus Labs-Series 9000 ACS
Dependable, high-precision tracking High-performance antenna control system focusing on multi-motor-per-axis, full-motion antenna solutions. Supports monopulse tracking with a variety of feed configurations.
- Touchscreen controls
- Efficient, intuitive GUI
- Up to four Antenna Control Panels (ACP)
- Setup Wizard for easy configuration
- Ethernet SNMP or REST API remote interfaces
- Single, dual-, and multi-motor configurations per axis
- Up to 16 E-Stops
- Final, Pre and Velocity limit inputs
- Stow-pin interlocks and actuation
- Auxiliary drive integration
- Torque biasing of multi-motor applications
- Support for synchronous AC, asynchronous AC, and brushless DC motor opitons
- Monopulse tracking option
- Rack or cabinet drive enclosures
- L, C, S, Ku band beacon receivers available
- CP/LP switching control
Pointing & Tracking
- Position control to within 0.0005 degrees RMS error
- Steptrack accuracy to within 10% RMS of -3dB beamwidth
- Predictive Track accuracy to within 5% RMS of -3dB beamwidth
- Monopulse tracking to within 3% RMS of -3dB beamwidth